Fracture and Trauma Care

fracture and trauma care

Broken bones (fractures) happen to people of all ages. Most often they occur as a result of an automobile accident, fall or sports injury. When a bone fracture occurs, it is often considered a traumatic injury because it requires fast treatment. This is especially true if the fracture occurs in a larger bone, like the humerus (upper arm bone), femur (thigh bone) or tibia and fibula (lower leg bones) or if the broken bone breaks through the skin.

There are two primary types of fractures: open and closed. An open fracture is when the broken bone goes through the skin, and is often accompanied by bleeding. A closed fracture, which is the more common type of fracture, is a broken bone that does not penetrate the skin.

Fracture and Trauma Care Treatment

A bone fracture needs to be diagnosed and treated immediately because it can lead to other health risks and complications such as blood vessel injury and nerve damage, if left undetected and untreated. That’s why this type of injury is considered such a traumatic injury requiring immediate medical attention, often through a visit to an emergency room.

Your orthopedic trauma care specialist will work with you to decide the best course of treatment for your broken bone.